Happy Easter friends and Family!
My sis-in -law Lydia came into town and took some super cute Easter pics of the girls! Here are just a few...

Bella loved posing for the camera while Sophia had to bribed with starbursts!
No smile till the Starburst...
Thank you! Starburst!

Can't figure out how to delete this pic, so here is Bella posing again.

So we did more than take pics all day. We made it to the last of the big Easter egg hunt, no eggs left. Not to worry three angels ran over and dumped out some eggs in front of Bella! "Look mommy where did these come from?" Love four year olds! Not to worry both kids were more interested in the New Huge Park across the way instead of the easter games, so there you have it. We had some good times on the park equipment, pretty much like every other day! So much for all my ideas of cute pictures easter games and face painting. But gosh darnit we had FUN! Later.
Bella loved posing for the camera while Sophia had to bribed with starbursts!
So we did more than take pics all day. We made it to the last of the big Easter egg hunt, no eggs left. Not to worry three angels ran over and dumped out some eggs in front of Bella! "Look mommy where did these come from?" Love four year olds! Not to worry both kids were more interested in the New Huge Park across the way instead of the easter games, so there you have it. We had some good times on the park equipment, pretty much like every other day! So much for all my ideas of cute pictures easter games and face painting. But gosh darnit we had FUN! Later.